Cargo Service in Gurugram

For any kind of cargo service in Gurugram, Delhi Rail Service (DRS) is a reliable service provider. If you search the web with “cargo services near me” while you are in Gurugram, then DRS will be the 1st to pop up in your search results. We are undoubtedly the best Logistics Company near you. DRS stands out to be the best cargo service provider in Gurugram because of the excellent service provided by us. We are diligently providing services of carrier transport in Delhi for more than 9 years now.

  • Best cargo transport service in Haryana
  • No -1 Company in India
  • Top Cargo company in Delhi NCR
  • 9+ Year Experience in Cargo Industry

Why choose Delhi Rail Service?

cargo-company-in- GurugramYou should choose only DRS because being based in Delhi NCR, it is considered to be No. 1 cargo service provider in India. The service provided by us is efficient and includes a number of varieties. Ranging right from cargo transportation services we provide any kind of bike and other transportation services as well. You can rely on DRS for economical packing and moving services also. Our workers at DRS are extremely professionals with lots of experience in the same field. If you want to transport anything faster than the usual time, you can avail of the train Parcel services also. Moreover, we are popularly known in Delhi NCR because of the following reasons:-

  • Meticulous planning- Before shipping a consignment containing vehicles or any other goods, we make a proper and meticulous plan for the same.
  • Perfect execution- After planning, the entire consignment is shipped with proper execution and robust supervision of officials who are in charge.

We Provide The Best Service in India

Best cargo Company in Haryana


We are a legally authentic company providing efficient services in transportation, moving and packing.

Fully insured

We provide insurance on all goods and shipments so that even if anything gets damaged or lost, the company will ensure its repair or replacement.

Hard-working laborers

The workers are skilled and are trained before they are made to work.

Reasonable pricing

DRS does not charge to high price for the transportations done. Instead, we charge on the basis of cargo price per kg.

Free consultation

You can come and talk with our executives for availing free quotes of shipments without any haste.

24 X 7 availability

We are open on all the days of a week for 24-hours.


Most frequent questions and answers

Yes, you can cancel your cargo. However, we will charge a small cancellation fee if our truck will reach the cargo pickup point. 

You can connect with us anytime. We are 24*7 open for our esteemed customers. 

You can make us payment using any mode of transfer. We have COD, direct bank transfer, credit cards or debit card options also. However, you have to make a payment of 80% during loading and the rest 20% you can make the payment once your cargo is unloaded. 

You will get your tracking number or service number as soon as you make the payment. The number will vary from 10-40 characters and is a combination of letters and numeric numbers. 

The time taken to reach your desired destination usually depends on the distance of the pickup to the destination. However, we do our best to reach your destination on time.